Inspired by LAIKA’s beloved stop-motion animated classic Coraline, these free knitting patterns are modeled after the knitwear outfits Coraline wears in the film.
The scarf (inspired by Coraline’s signature star-speckled sweater) uses the intarsia technique with two colors, while the striped gloves and matching wrist warmers require four colors of worsted-weight yarn.
Visit each pattern, view it on your device, and download the free pattern PDF at the end of each page.
Coraline Gloves Knitting Pattern
Skill Level – Intermediate
This striped gloves pattern is a great intermediate project for experienced knitters.
The pattern instructions are given to work the pair of gloves in the round with color changes.
Coraline Stars Scarf Knitting Pattern
Skill Level – Intermediate
The Coraline stars scarf is a chunky accessory inspired by the star sweater Coraline wears in the movie.
This will definitely keep you warm in the early days of winter and show your love for Coraline’s sweater.
Coraline Wrist Warmers Knitting Pattern
Skill Level – Easy (advanced beginner)
This simple striped wrist warmers pattern is a great advanced beginner-friendly project.
The pattern instructions are given to work the wrist warmers flat with seaming or in the round.