The Benefits Of Crafting With Kids


In this post, you will read about the benefits of crafting with kids.

The woman who was responsible for crafting the curriculum for and developing home economics class actually did so in order to “liberate” women from housework by teaching them how to do it more efficiently, according to an article published by HuffPost.

The benefits of crafting with children

Crafts In School

While schools are having to constantly alter and adjust their curriculum to meet the stringent demands of school districts, state legislation, and universities, some classes have fallen to the wayside.

However, teaching kids how to craft in school, whether as part of a scheduled class or simply as an extra-curricular activity, is beneficial in more ways than one and can help them improve their mental, physical and emotional health.

Plus it can help with self-expression, emotions, and developing fine motor skills.

Related Post: 50 Free Christmas Crafts For Kids (Easy And Fun)

Boy learning how to knit

Cultivating Practical Life Skills

There is growing recognition of the importance of life skills, as 88% of young people, 94% of employers, and 97% of teachers report that they are as or more important than academic qualifications.

Life skills generally teach children about the importance of being resourceful and allow them to cultivate more independence which both result in more confident young adults.

rainbow crafts for kids

Gaining more confidence

As their confidence grows and they learn to fix things around the house, stitch up their own clothes and even create their own accessories and gifts, that confidence will carry over into their everyday lives.

As an added benefit to the life skills they will be learning, sewing and other crafts have actually been shown to increase dopamine, which can help children feel more positive and help fight feelings of boredom and depression that sometimes arrive during pre-adolescent and adolescent years.

They will also learn more about problem-solving through different types of crafts including both knitting and crochet.

girl learning to knit from grandma

Introducing a Hobby That Reduces Stress

Allowing children to explore their talents and interests from a young age is important in their overall growth and development.

Sports, the arts, and even forms of meditation are all great hobbies for children to explore as they are not only a positive way to do something other than simply academics, but they help to cultivate an overall positive, healthy lifestyle.

Little girl sewing on a sewing machine

Crafting can help to reduce stress

Any hobby that allows them to engage in physical or mental exercise while helping students relieve stress is a positive and worthwhile hobby and crafting activities such as sewing, crocheting or knitting do just that.

Learning how to work a sewing machine can also actually help with brain growth and function, as learning new things helps activate areas of your brain necessary to increase mental activity.

Working on a craft project can also help a child to hone their hand-eye coordination and make their own decisions.

It can also give them a sense of accomplishment, allowing them to really show off their endless imagination and knowing that there are endless possibilities for what they can create.

Craft room decor

Teaching Children How to Sew

Teaching kids how to craft as part of a normal school curriculum or extra-curricular activity is just one way to teach them a useful skill while also allowing them to create things that will give them a sense of achievement.

Like anything, this will take time and patience and might not be for every personality or learning style.

There is no limit to the number of health benefits one can experience by engaging in sewing or knitting as a hobby, especially for children who have a busy schedule full of academic learning, volunteer activities, and normal adolescent life events that can be stressful and complicated.

Once they get into their new craft it can boost self-esteem, knowing that their artwork, playdough culture, or other forms of creativity has been well received by classmates, family, and friends.

The benefits of crafting with kids

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